No major progress over the past couple of days, just minor bits and bobs like plumbing in the clutch and routing more of the coolant and breather hoses.
This afternoon however the remaining bends for my header systems arrived. These are tight radius (only just over 1D) 1.625" stainless pipe. These will be cut in half to create a tight radius 90 which will form the port exits.
Onto these will be welded the E90 M3 4-into-1 manifolds that I showed earlier. These are perfect for the F355 engine in terms of diameter and the fact that BMW did a fantastic job of making all runners equal length, the flow in the collector (has a flow straightener - I will try and get a pic later), and keeping the assembly nice and lightweight. I don't anticipate any power loss through my header system, if anything I might gain a bit as I have more space to play with than on the Ferrari, and obviously I'm not going to be running any catalysts.
On the back of the headers will either go twin carbon cans (re-packable) with twin exits, or possibly both banks coming into one large central can, with a single centre exit tailpipe. I've not quite decided yet.
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